
Fig Tree Nutrition & Wellness

He also spoke this parable: “A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it [a]use up the ground?’ But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. [b]And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.’ ” Luke 13:6-9 (NKJV)

A healthy fig tree is a symbol of full, vibrant health- both spiritually & physically. Throughout Christian Scripture (44 references in all) the fig tree is considered a symbol of prosperity, wellbeing, & security for the people of Israel. Resting beneath the comforting, cooling shade of your own fig tree was to experience a deep sense of safety, peace, & wellbeing. Conversely, as you may guess, a barren fig tree was considered a sign of lack of prosperity, wellbeing, & blessing for the nation. Today, the abundance of fig trees in Israel is a sign in itself of a much anticipated, soon arriving restoration.

Fig trees, like many fruit trees, don’t grow fruit overnight. A fig tree’s growth to full maturity- bearing the best fruits & the healthiest green leaves- requires purposeful, intentionally focused time to cultivate & nurture. In fact, it may take many years! To achieve its showiest best, every once in awhile a fig tree needs nurturing from a well trained vine-dresser who sees it’s hidden strength & beauty (most especially during times when the tree is struggling to flourish) & knows how to encourage the fig tree to draw out its hidden inner strength. Over time, the fig tree’s vibrancy signals that a dedicated gardener has come up alongside the tree, faithfully tending to its growth over those many years. In turn, the vine-dresser’s compassionate & devoted attention empowers the fig tree to show off the brilliant, vibrant self it has always been but could not find on its own. It’s a powerful partnership with spectacular results!

We want to be a partner in your journey to wellbeing! As your “well-trained vine-dresser”, we believe in your inner strength (even if you can’t just yet) & want to come alongside you, tend to your growth right where you stand, & empower YOU to become your very best vibrant self. We want you to experience spectacular results & flourish! At Fig Tree Nutrition & Wellness, our staff is all about Finding you right where you are, Educating you to listen to your body, Empowering you to nurture & cultivate your health, & Deploying you onto a restored, prosperous path of lifelong wellness.

Our Passion...

Inspiring a Health Education & Awareness Revolution is Our Purpose.

The Journey There is Our Passion.

Our passion is to encourage community-wide health with unique whole person approaches to wellness. That means we walk alongside you on your personal journey, empowering you to find balance in all 7 pillars of your health. Being witness to your vitality branching out into inspired wellness? Well, that’s the joy that reignites our passion! Our holistic approach includes…

…Spiritual Wellness
…Meditation techniques
…Aromatherapies & Essential Oils
…Natural medicines (Homeopathy)
…Nutrition Planning & Weight Management
…Life Coaching & Mapping

Our wellness coaching is non-judgmental, holistic, integrative, & bio-individual, completely built around your unique health & wellness goals

Our Goal for You...

Regardless of your age, state of wellness, or place on your journey, we have have one singular mission: to inspire you to achieve (even your biggest!) health goals & reap the harvest of optimal health & absolute wellness!

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